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This is Art
Factual Endutaiment
Art / Culture / History
Ramon Gener
Ramon Gener, Joan Costa
Ramon Gener

“THIS IS ART” is a journey into ourselves, into our feelings and our concerns. The emotions that characterize us as human beings. Art has the power to bring out all kinds of feelings and sensations. Thanks to it, we can figure out who we really are. The main aim of “THIS IS ART” is to move us, to shake things up, but it is also a show for learning, intended for all audiences. Because we are all capable of desiring, loving, hating, laughing and crying. Through the beauty of artistic forms, we go inside the inner workings of human nature. All artists use art to explain their emotions. And we use emotions to explain different aspects of the history of art. Over the course of these 24 45-minute episodes, and through its entertaining and rhythmic storytelling, we touch on themes as universal as desire, ecstasy, love, inspiration, solitude, madness, faith, fear, sadness, jealousy, hope and vanity. In each episode, we talk about these themes as we speak of painting, sculpture, music, architecture and literature, with visuals that are daring, fascinating and highly attractive, in the spirit of the very essence of the program. And having Ramon Gener on board is no coincidence. He has proven his talent as a communicator on shows like “Ópera en Texans” and “This Is Opera”. And his uncanny ability to convey the passion, knowledge and magic of all these concepts is what takes the viewer by the hand on this wonderful voyage through the human condition.

Produced by Brutal Media in coproduction with Televisió de Catalunya and the colaboration of Movistar. Original versions: English, Spanish and Catalan.

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